April 21, 2012

Vintage dress - Mail order pattern 4638

Taking advantage of the rising temperature and the flowers making everything around here a bit prettier, I'm interrupting the upcycling series (sort of...) to show off my new dress.

I got this mail order pattern from Etsy, it was complete with the instructions

And here the result:

And what about this "invisible" ziper?

And it's sort of an upcycle, too, because the fabric for the bodice was a bedsheet! :D You'd never guess, right? I certainly hope not! THe fabric for the skirt was also thrifted - it's a heavy knit material that has an orange thread on the weft that picks up the orange in the flowers, unfortunately it's hard to see from the pics.

I loved this pattern and hope to get to it again, after I finish the many projects I have lined up. I think it would look lovely with a full skirt.

Be well


1 comment:

  1. Já comentei em outro post. Elegantésima!!!!!!!!!!!Linda!
    Esse vestido ficou fabuloso!
    tenha um abençoado fim de semana, com muitas produções, muitas peças lindas, e exclusivas!!

    É difícil você encontrar um molde assim, ou alguma revista com esses moldes Vintage, e enviar para o Brasil, para mim?Eu pago o frete, é porque direto, nos sites, alguns não enviam para o Brasil, e também porque não sei nada de inglês, tenho medo de fazer compra errada..rss
